Five Tips to Plan a Successful Church Fundraiser

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Are you planning on starting a fundraiser for your local church? Church fundraisers, especially with a committed and active community, is quite easy to pull off. With a great strategy, right timing and location, your church fundraiser will be a blast!

Church fundraisers are usually done when the church needs a huge amount of money. The funds collected can go to charity, the renovation of a church, as donations to people affected by disasters like earthquakes, floods and fires, or simply just as funds for the church choir. Whatever the case, it can prove to be difficult. However, with a little help, anything is possible.

Here are 5 tips to help you plan a successful church fundraiser:

1. Plan ahead of time
The first thing you must figure out when it comes to planning a church fundraiser is the logistics. What are you going to do? When are you going to do it? How many are willing to volunteer and get involved? Is your idea feasible? Can everyone join in? Are there nearby suppliers? Is there enough space inside the church? Make sure to plan 2-3 months ahead. There’s no such thing as too much preparation. The earlier you plan, the more people you can ask to join in and participate.

2. Get the word out
Getting the word about your church fundraising activity is a must. Tell your friends and family, advertise at schools, chat with the town’s blabbermouth, and talk to people after mass. You can even go to a pub and post posters. The higher the number of people who will engage with your fundraiser, the higher the chances of it being a success.

3. Calculate your profit margin
The most common mistake that church fundraisers make is they choose a plan that has very low-profit margins but take so much time and effort. Imagine putting in ten to twelve hours of work a day for just a 10% return. This can very well discourage volunteers from participating again for the next fundraising activity. The main success indicator for most volunteers is the money earned at the end of the fundraiser. Seeing it at a disappointingly low amount despite the huge amount of effort they put in can be a huge blow to the team morale.

Choose an idea with a very high-profit margin. One that takes little time and requires minimal time and effort. Need a list of ideas for your church fundraiser? Check this great article for fun church fundraiser ideas.

4. Branch out
Don’t be afraid to extend your radius to another town. Limiting your target population to your town also limits your profits. There is an untapped market beyond the borders and they might genuinely be interested in joining in. Church fundraisers are a great way to meet new people. Tell the church at that town to help you on spreading the word out.

5. Get everyone involved
When you spread the word out, don’t just consider them as future customers. They may want to help you out too. If you’re having a garage sale, getting as many people involved as possible is a definite plus. You will need the extra hands and they may also have extra items that they want to sell. Church fundraisers are great in building up camaraderie between neighbours. At the end of your fundraiser, make sure to tell everyone to stay tuned for the next fundraiser. You can pass on a list asking for their contact details That way, it will be easier to inform and contact them for the next event.

The idea of a church fundraiser, aside from earning money, is to have people working together over a single goal. The best way for this to work is, of course, by having a lot of people involved. No matter what your idea is, be sure to make it easy to join in. You can even invite non-religious neighbours or people who ascribe to a different religion.

If it seems fun and exciting, people will want to join in. Whether your church fundraiser is a simple bake sale, a garage sale or a recycling year-rounder, if people enjoyed, you can count it as a success.

Lastly, don’t forget to pray! Never forget why you are doing the church fundraiser. Often, people get so caught up in the fundraising that they tend to forget for who it was for. Celebrate the end of the fundraiser with a thanksgiving mass or prayer.


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