“Like a building is constructed to handle a certain amount of pressure, so #God has built each one of us to handle the level of test and temptations we may face.”
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10: 13; Ephesians 1: 13-14; 4:7-13; James 1:12
Have you ever looked at a bridge, or even the chair you may be sitting on right now, and wondered how is it able to handle the amount of pressure that is thrown at it on a daily basis? For example, many bridges have to hold the pressure of very heavy duty trucks that pass by several times a day. How is it possible to manage the constant pressure of heavy duty vehicles? How is it that the bed or seat you’re on now is able to handle the pressure you put on it on a daily basis?
This is because everything in life is designed to handle a certain level of pressure. When architects and designers are constructing buildings and other things that will be used by us, they first consider the expected weight it will have to carry before they design it and make it available.
Why am I saying all this to you? I want to tell you that before God allowed you to be placed in certain situations, He first constructed you to handle the pressure. Yes, you will feel the heat of the pressure, and sometimes we will have to ask for help; but God will never allow you to be tested more than you are able to bear. The Bible says,
“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it”- 1 Corinthians 10:13.
That is because God first had to ensure that you are able to handle the level of temptation and test before He allowed the enemy to test and or tempt you. God said unto #Satan one day, ‘Have you considered my servant, Job?’ God was able to boast about Job because He knew that Job had enough experience and strength to deal with any attacks the enemy may throw at him. In response, the enemy let God know that the reason God is able to boast about Job is because God had put a hedge around Job; I want to tell you that Satan cannot test you with suffering, affliction, persecution and everything life throws in your face without God allowing it or giving him permission to do so. This means that God chooses what we face and at what level. This tells us that:
- Everything we face has a purpose- whether it may be to prove to Satan or those around us that God is who He says He is, or it may be one of many reasons, or it is for any divine purpose.
- God has given you the strength to overcome your pain, suffering, affliction, infirmities and life struggles. God said unto Paul, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness”- 2 Corinthians 12:9. When you are weak, God shows up strong.
Moving Forward
As you go through this day and face all that life has to throw at you, remember you were built to stand. God hand-picked and designed you in such a manner that the enemy is afraid of you. He is afraid that if you realize who you really are, then all that he is doing is futile. Always remember this: How you think about your trials will be the deciding factor if you come out as a victor or a victim. Which one will you be?
This article is an excert from Eston Swaby book An Empowered Life. For more messages like this please get your copy now of An Empowered Life Devotional and motivational book
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