Four Fun Summer Activities For You and Your Kids

Summertime is not too far away. The kids will be out of school but your life continues on as always. You might be a working mom who needs to continue going to work each day. Maybe you don’t have a nanny or babysitter. Perhaps you are a stay-at-home mother with a house to clean, finances to manage, and kids to handle. There are often so many obligations a mother has beyond children to raise.

What summertime can mean is more activities you will have to find for you and your children to do. That can be tiring, but it can also be fun! Here are a few activities you and your child can take part in:

1.) Swimming. If you are lucky to have a pool or be near a lake, then swimming is definitely something you do not want to miss out on. With the sun out and the kids running wild, taking them to the pool where they can swim is not only fun for you, but may give you a load off if friends are around. At that point, you can either spend time by yourself or with other mothers hanging poolside.

2.) Going to The Beach. There is probably not a single kid alive who doesn’t love the beach. Sitting on the sand and building a castle? What’s not to love about that? You can help your child dig to the center of the earth to see what is down there. So much fun can be had while you can get a tan and relax. Your child will definitely appreciate you bringing their pail and shovel too. The only thing they might not like is that sunblock.

3.) Chalk Drawing. One thing kids like to do a lot is play with chalk. Whether that be your driveway or your neighbor’s, this gives the kids a chance to be creative and expressive. Chalk allows kids to express themselves via artistry at a young age. It’s also just fun for them to write their names on the cement to commemorate the occasion. And who knows? Maybe you do your best artwork with chalk too.

4.) Lay in the Hammock. If you have a cottage right on the lake, then you might want a hammock too. Or a hammock in your regular old backyard works, too. Being able to lay on a hammock can relax your child and allow you both to enjoy the sounds of nature. It can be a very peaceful and serene experience. After a long day at the beach out in the sun, you could sit in the hammock in the shade. The two of you may fall asleep, and then be woken up by the barks of your dog.

Thinking of things for you and your child to do might be tough if you have a lot on your mind. It could be complicated by your work schedule. However, taking the time to make your child’s life fun can bring out the kid in you too. Who knows? You may find yourself engaged in a squirt gun fight out on the front lawn with your child. Remind you of old times? Definitely.

About the author: Tommy Zimmer is a writer whose work has appeared online and in print. His work covers a variety of topics, including politics, economics, health and wellness, addiction and recovery and the entertainment industry.
