Write For Us

We Are Looking For Writers!

Would You Like To Contribute to BibleWayMag?


Do you have an idea  of an article you would like to share with our readers? Would you like to show off your writing skills to the world?

If you do, then you have to the write place as we at BibleWayMag is looking for you. At BibleWayMag we seeks to educate, inspire and motivate our visitors by giving them the right articles to take them to another level in their career, Christian walk, family life and . If you share our passion for ministry then we’d be happy to consider publishing your post here as well!

If you’ve read the guidelines thoroughly and are ready to submit your pitch, go ahead and send it over to content@biblewaymag.com (not a link – type it in yourself). Please make the subject of your email: Writer Application: [SUGGESTED TITLE]

If it is a guest post:  GUEST POST PITCH: [SUGGESTED TITLE]

We are very open and will even accomodate you if you want to write a weekly column or a daily devotional articles.

Once your article is right for our audience and it meets the following criteria we will publish it:

General Requirements

  • It’s really good.  If you have a good idea for an article, we will work with you until its ready for publication
  • It’s original. If  you have publish it anywhere else, we don’t want it.
  • It’s relevant to our topic and audience. By which we mean “connecting, engaging and inspiring” for people in ministry, Christians, family and friendly. It  must be Christian base
  • It’s “meaty” enough to be useful. We don’t have word limits or requirements – the post should be as long as it needs to be, and no longer. That being said, it’s rare to be able to squeeze much substance into less than 800-900 words. However, I don’t want you to be focusing on meeting word count, just focus on writing a good and engaging post, even if it is 400-500 words.
  • YOU MUST NOT BE AN ATHEIST, all contributors must share Christian faith. This is a Christian related site therefore it is expected that contributors share the Christian faith or a Born Again believer

As previously stated, we accept pitches that are relevant to our topic and audience.


You are welcome to submit your article, so long as it fits the requirements below.

If your article does fit the requirements below, please contact us at content@biblewaymag.com – In your request, you must include:

  • A little bit about your article and its title,
  • How it relates to BibleWayMag and add value to our readers
  • How you will promote the post if publish
  • A link to your website for our vetting process.

Posting Options 

We have two ways your article can be posted on our website

  • Article must be unique to Bible Way Mag (never before or after published on any other website – we will check this on copyscape so please do not submit articles already published)
  • You can however write a short introduction to your article on Biblewaymag after it has been published linking back to us.
  • Minimum of 500 words
  • Quality content, of huge value to our readers
  • On a suitable topic for Bible Way Mag (please see menu options above)
  • Written with SEO in mind, preferably based on a keyword/phrase.
  • Well written with quality grammar and English

Important: We will remove any links within your article unless they are highly relevant or internal links, and no link to any post on your website within post. If you are trying to promote a specific link (outside of your bio) you can pay for a sponsored article post.

Guest posts may be backdated

Articles with NO LINKS, (only 1 link in bio) are free.

Please contact us at content@biblewaymag.com – In your request, you must include:

  • A little bit about your article and its title,
  • How it relates to BibleWayMag and add value to our readers
  • How you will promote the post if publish
  • A link to your website for our vetting process.

SPONSORED POST ($50USD) or we can write for an additional fee.

  • Article must be unique to Bible Way Mag (never before or after published on any other website)
  • Minimum of 500 words
  • Quality content, of huge value to our readers
  • On a suitable topic for Bible Way Mag
  • Well written with quality grammar and english
  • Maximum of 2 links within the article, must be relevant to the article and our website.

You can submit by word document to content@biblewaymag.com– You must also include your bio details:

  • Display name
  • Display image (square)
  • Website link
  • Social media links (optional) we can include your Facebook, twitter and google+ pages
  • Short 1-2 sentence bio about yourself (can include 2 links in this bio)
    *There are no guarantees of acceptance.
  • Payment must be made before article is publish. We will send you payment details when you email us

*We will only post your article if it ADDS GREAT VALUE to our readers lives in some way and suits the tone and theme of our website.
*If the article comes across as SALESY: If it reads more like an ADVERTISEMENT, rather than valuable content in any way we will reject it straight away.


