How Can I Deal With the Pressure to Have Sex?

One of the struggles many young people faces, especially those that are Christians and  want to serve is that of sex. Many singles have given in to the pressure to have because of pressures from their friends, society, what they see in movies, their sexual urges and from persons they are dating.

Many people give in to their need for sex and the dictates of others not considering that their decisions about sex will have far-reaching effects on their future, for example pregnancy, their with God, self-esteem and so much more.I know your body may be calling for sex but lets stop and think for one second. If you defy a physical law, such as the law of gravity, you will suffer the consequences. The same is true if you defy a moral law, such as the one that states: “Abstain from sexual immorality.”1 Thessalonians 4:3.

See also: Learn how to overcome the sin of fornication and live pure

God did not make this law because he woke up one morning and decides to make this law. It is for our own spiritual, physical, emotional and moral well being.

[tweetthis]If he/she loves you then they will not force you to have sex with him/her until your ready[/tweetthis]

What are the consequences of disobeying that command? The Bible says: “Whoever practices sexual immorality is sinning against his own body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) How is that true?

 Researchers have found that many youths who have had premarital sex usually experience one or more of the following consequences.

  • DISTRESS. Most youths who have engaged in premarital sex say that they regretted it afterward.

  • DISTRUST. After having sex, each partner begins to wonder, ‘Who else has he/she had sex with?’

  • DISILLUSIONMENT. Deep down, many girls would prefer someone who will protectthem, not take advantage of them. And many boys find that they are less attracted to a girl who has given in to their advances.

  • The bottom line: If you give in to premarital sex, you degrade yourself by forfeiting something precious. (Romans 1:24) Your body is far too valuable to give away!

Not only that, but the Bible says that our body is the temple of God, it is where God dwells (1 Corinthians 6: 19)

If you want to live a holy life, one that is pleasing to God you must obstain from . Then, if you do marry one day, you can have sex. God design sex to be enjoy in the confine of , anything outside of what the manufacturer, which is God, design it for will bring worries, regrets, and insecurities that are so often part of the aftermath  premarital sex.Proverbs 7:22, 23; 1 Corinthians 7:3.

If your significant other really cares about you he or she will not force you jeopardize your relationship with God (Hebrews 11:4).

[tweetthis]God designs sex to be enjoyed in the context of marriage[/tweetthis]


A number of Christian  have said that they would never marry a girl they have had sex with, or someone they found to be too easy. I know a guy that was dating a girl that he would not have sex with but at the same time he had sex with other girls.  Why? Because he was waiting until the wedding night as he prefer to marriage a woman that is chaste.

Don’t be fool by movies and TV shows glamorize teen sex and make it look like harmless fun or even true love. Sex should be enjoy in the confine of marriage. If he really loves you then he will respect your decision to wait until marriage.

Many with the promise of marriage gave in to the guy they are dating with only to find out later on that he was only interested in her for because he wanted to take her virginity. Not only that but many relationships never made it to the altar.

See also: Are you ready to date?

Think about that next time you are thinking of having premarital sex.


I know you are feeling the urge to have sex and all your friends are boasting about how many girls they slept with and what they did the night before, but if you really love the girl you are dating don’t you want the best for her? If your answer is yes, what would be the best way to show her how you really care about her? By helping her to have and maintain a close relationship with God. As a man it is a part of your responsible to help the person you are thinking ofspending the rest of your life with to have a good relationship with God.

Men and Women………

I know both of you are feeling the sexual urges and they’re lots of temptations out their, but you can hold on……. The Bible says “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6). The Plamist David also said “The LORD will accomplish what concerns me” (Psalm 138:8). What these two verses are saying that God has started a good work in you and he will complete it. Not only that but he is concern about every aspect of your life so he knows how you may be feeling and your desires.

If you are and think and think you are ready for marriage God knows and he cares. But he also do not want you to mess up your chance of having a healthy and meaningful life and at his appointed time he will provide for you the right person. Many singles rush into marriage and soon divorce. God doesn’t want that for you, neither does he want you to be in an unhealthy marriage.

See also: Learn how you can be single and happy at the same time

If someone tries to coax you into sex by saying, “If you love me, you’ll do this,” firmly reply, “If you love me, you won’t ask!”

See also: Is the person you are dating the right person for you? Is he or she ready for marriage?

When it comes to conduct with the opposite sex, a good rule to follow is this: If it’s something you wouldn’t want your parents to see you doing, you shouldn’t be doing it.


  • How will you respond if someone asks you to have sex?

  • What circumstances would make it more difficult for you to say no?

  • How will you avoid those circumstances?
