Wake up to a new day by changing your attitude

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Life is like a road that is filled with potholes, broken pieces, curves and sometimes is very dusty and rocky. We will experience days when our backs are against the wall and we feel as if we cannot take another step or move forward because of the heavy loads we are carrying.

[tweetthis]Do not wake up each day with yesterdays burden, failures, hurts and mistakes[/tweetthis]

Many times we will feel the burdens of the different obstacles, failures, mistakes and setbacks we have experienced and just want to give up on our dreams and life on a whole. Many people lies in bed day after day not wanting to get up and experience a new day because of the hurts, failures, mistakes and setbacks of yesterday when God is saying “can’t you smell the sweet aroma of a new day?”  We may cry at times to the Lord saying “Lord, why? Why am I going through all of this? I don’t understand how you can say ‘life’ when all I am seeing is death. Death in my relationship. Death in my career. Death, brokenness and failures in my life. I cannot go on any further.”

Too many times we burden our lives with the failures, mistakes, and setbacks of yesterday not realizing that God has something new for us today; something that will make yesterday a distant memory. God is asking us not to carry over yesterday mistakes, hurts, failures into a new day, he is asking us to leave yesterday in the past and wake up to a new day. Wake up to a new attitude.

[tweetthis]God has something new in store for you today. Lord I am letting go so I can receive todays favor[/tweetthis]

This is the day that the Lord has made and it is a beautiful day. Let us wake up each day and rejoice. Rejoice in the newness of life. Can’t you see the beauty of today? Can’t you just stop for a moment and smell the freshness of a new day that comes with so many possibilities? However, many of us are not able to wake up to a new day and see its beauty because we let all the hurts, mistakes we have made, failures, obstacles, our financial situates and so on to cloud our eyes so we are not able to see and perceive what God wants to do for us TODAY!

I am very much cognizant of the fact that the problems may not go away anytime soon, but how we feel about the things we face is totally up to each one of us. You can change how you see your today by changing your attitude- replacing your negative attitude with a positive attitude.

You will be amaze at how God works things out for your good when you wake up each morning with a positive attitude. An attitude of hope. An attitude of gratitude. An attitude of forgiveness. God knows all that you have been through and are still going through but he does not want us to continue to live in the past. He has great things for us today and for our future but we will not receive it if we continue to allow what happened in the past to cloud our minds and form a barrier in our lives.

God is a progressive God, and he wants us to be progressive, not staying one place in our lives but moving forward.

[pullquote]You will be amaze at how God works things out for your good when you wake up each morning with a positive attitude. An attitude of hope. An attitude of gratitude. An attitude of forgiveness[/pullquote]

See also: Go to the next level

We are like a plastic chair that was made to carry certain amount of weights at any particular time. If we put too much weight on the chair it will break. That is why Jesus told his disciples “….Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”- Matthew 6:34

Each day comes with its own burdens, hurts and mistakes, but we do not have to wake up dreading each day that God has given us for our enjoyment. We can live each day knowing that God has given us enough grace to face our today and leave our past behind.  The Bible says,

“Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”- Lamentations 3:23 (NLT)

See also: God Has An Open Door

We can wake up each day with a new attitude, an attitude that says

“Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”

“I refuse to be burden by failures and mistakes of yesterday. As the wind blows just for a moment and then is no more, so shall the Lord blows away my troubles.”

[tweetthis]God is a progressive God, and he wants you to be progressive[/tweetthis]

“Today I am renewed because of new grace and mercies God has given me to face today.”

I want to encourage you to leave the past behind, refocus and press towards your tomorrow, as your tomorrow is greater than your yesterday.

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Are you ready to wake up to a new day? Wake up to New hope and possibilities?


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