Philippians 4:6 Explained

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“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” – Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

Philippians 4:6 is a powerful and encouraging verse that reminds us to bring all of our cares and concerns to God through prayer. The verse begins with the phrase “be careful for nothing,” which means that we should not be anxious or worried about anything. Instead, we are to bring our requests to God through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.

In the original Greek, the word for “anxious” or “careful” is merimnao, which can also be translated as “distracted” or “pulled apart.” This word conveys the idea of being mentally and emotionally pulled in different directions, unable to focus or find peace. The command to “be careful for nothing” is therefore a call to trust in God’s sovereignty and care, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

The verse goes on to describe how we should bring our requests to God through prayer and supplication. Prayer is a general term for talking to God, while supplication refers to specific requests or petitions. When we come to God in prayer, we should be specific about what we are asking for, whether it is for healing, provision, guidance, or anything else.

But the verse also includes the phrase “with thanksgiving,” which reminds us to approach God with a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness. Even in the midst of our struggles and difficulties, we can give thanks for the many blessings and gifts that God has given us. This attitude of thanksgiving helps us to focus on God’s goodness and faithfulness, even when we are facing challenges.

The second half of Philippians 4:6 reminds us that we can make our requests known to God. This implies that God is not distant or uninterested in our lives, but is actively involved and cares about the things that concern us. When we bring our requests to God in prayer, we are acknowledging his power and sovereignty, and trusting that he can and will act on our behalf.

The idea of making our requests known to God also implies a sense of vulnerability and openness. It requires us to be honest with God about our fears, worries, and concerns, and to trust that he will respond with love and compassion. This can be difficult, especially if we are used to trying to handle things on our own or are afraid of being vulnerable. But when we come to God with open hearts and minds, we can experience his peace and comfort, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

In many ways, Philippians 4:6 is a call to faith and trust in God. It reminds us that we do not have to carry our burdens alone, but can come to God in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. When we do this, we are placing our trust in God’s love and care, and acknowledging his power to act on our behalf.

The verse also highlights the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. When we approach God with a spirit of gratitude, we are reminded of his goodness and faithfulness, and are better able to trust him in the midst of difficult circumstances. Gratitude also helps us to cultivate a positive outlook on life, even in the face of challenges and struggles.

In conclusion, Philippians 4:6 is a powerful and encouraging reminder of God’s love and care for us. It calls us to trust in God’s sovereignty and to bring our requests to him through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. May we all find comfort and peace in the knowledge that we can come to God with open hearts and minds, and trust in his love and care for us.


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