How does Matthew 28:19 relate to the overall message of the Gospel?

QuestionsHow does Matthew 28:19 relate to the overall message of the Gospel?
Jerome Ricketts Staff asked 8 months ago

I have been studying the Gospel of Matthew recently and I came across a verse that got me thinking. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells his disciples, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." This verse is often referred to as the Great Commission, as it is seen as Jesus' command to spread the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. As I reflect on the overall message of the Gospel, which emphasizes the love and salvation offered by Jesus, I can't help but wonder how Matthew 28:19 fits into this narrative. Is it simply a call for evangelism, or does it hold a deeper significance when it comes to understanding the purpose and mission of Jesus? I am curious to hear your thoughts on this matter. How do you see Matthew 28:19 relating to the overall message of the Gospel?